Monday, June 24, 2013

What's new this week?

Well...Michelle killed us today in boot camp. We were breathing heavy, ready for our final week. We are looking forward to our fitness assessment Thursday and our 5 K on Friday!!!! Yay.....zzzzzz. I am so tired!

I've finished 3 of my 5 technology classes, and learned a LOT. I've got 2 more in late July, plus a field trip pre-visit!

This is not our picture (obviously)
 because I am too tired to get up and
download the pictures to this computer ...
We are about to start "fun" season. We have family from California coming, and a camping trip coming up! Andy and I went on a hike with MB's group up the Narrows. This time, I made it all the way up Orderville Canyon to the waterfall - beautiful!

Been reading...mostly listening as I exercise and drive back and forth.
#9  The Circle Opens: Magic Steps by Tamora Pierce. I still love her amazing! Fantasy, 264 pages.

#10  The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. Now I'm going to have to read all his stuff. I love the short, almost brusque voice in this book. I'm about 2/3 through this now - 318 pages, realistic fiction, good main character. There is a movie filming...should be interesting.

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