I have kind of been slacking off since everyone left. I've been reading up a storm and keeping the dog hair and dust to a minimum, but I would not consider myself overworked. Andy's in the midst of a research paper and math overload. We've kept close to home...
Random thoughts:
1) I love Andy's bbq - that rotisserie is great! We just did our second "at home" chicken. It is good with brining, just like a turkey at Thanksgiving.
2) My teeth are still straight...ha! This new retainer is awesome...I may wear it forever!
3) Looking forward to camping, but already mentally gearing up for school... the countdown on the district website says "30 Days" until the kids start back. I kid you not, check it out... http://www.wash.k12.ut.us/ and then, the day after school starts, the countdown changes to the first break or holiday we have... it's crazy!
4) I have been stalking the web for new New Moon trailers...yes, it's started again.
5) We did go see the new Transformers movie, it was okay... not as good as the first, but some amazing special effects.
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