It's already been rough...
I loved the National Council of Teachers of English (heretofore known as the FREE BOOK conference)! Besides the 74 free (or 3 really inexpensive) books that I came home with, it was a very inspirational conference. Our team got a chance to meet our idol, Donnalyn Miller, and to learn some great new tricks (yes, sometimes we do refer to ourselves as old dogs)!
Here's my name tag... (picture coming)
Thanksgiving at the beach...turkey and cranberries and waves! Sarah saw the beach for the first time. She does love the water, doesn't mind the sand, but it tasted funny, evidently. She and Dad (Andy) played quite a bit. We hung out there with the Rogers' family for about 5 hours on Friday...SO relaxing, especially when Jack and I had a nap.
Birthday Season (as I like to call the beginning of December) is upon us...the Vandervoorts, then the Whites. You do realize that they use up 4 of the 7 first days of December, right? Just craziness!
When he survives FINALS week, he will get a chance to rest for about a week before we head for the frozen north. New York, here we come. I'm getting advice from a 12 year old whose family goes every December for 1 day, and Andy's getting advice from natives who can tell us where to get the best pizza!
A blog about a family of 2 dogs and their humans - their continuing adventures and occasional thoughts.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
It's like...6 weeks to Christmas
14th Anniversary 10/17 - Best lillies EVER! |
So here's a little check in:
Krista - HAL (GT) facilitator, 3 Lang Arts classes (75 students) and 2 Social Studies, singing in the choir, trying to make it to yoga and another class (turbo kick or Zumba) each week...
Andy - 3 upper division science classes (all with labs) and an ed class, working out almost every morning at the DSC gym, helping out with the Star Parties at all the intermediate schools this fall, and the cave project...
Tempest - reigning Old Lady of the house...keeping the bed down, warming by the fire (just started up this weekend, she's happy).
Sarah - she had her 5th birthday 3 weeks ago...she still loves to run, but her hip is definitely starting to trouble her more. Have to do fewer off-leash walks (just one a week), and now budget in for her "pills" every few months.
The House - new family heirlooms (see below) are present, there are ACTUAL beds in both guest rooms.
Can't believe how fast this year is going...
Friday, July 13, 2012
What have I been doing with the past 6 weeks?
Okay, settle in...this could be long!
1) There were 2 GT classes (which are now part of the endorsement) that weren't offered when I went through. So, to spend a little more quality time with a great mentor (Dr. Killeen), I took both. 2 weeks, back to back, 8-5. June 1 through June 15. It was an amazing experience! There were incredible teachers in the classes (small group, but we were tight by the end), and I have to admit that I got some inspiration as well as some validation.
2) Grandma VanderVoort, down to parents, aunts & uncles. As far as I know everyone is relatively healthy. But, Kate and I flew up to MN the weekend of the 15th for the service. Got to hang with the cousins who didn't head out to the lake right afterward...Dane has some pipes on him, people! I love my cousin Karen (and her husband), and we got to meet Chris (sp?) - so sweet! It was a 48 hour trip...too fast!
3) Back for another week (okay, 4 days) of class...but with a twist! This was Utah Core Academy, and Nikki and Maddy were with me. This was the easy part of that week (although it was too loud in one room, and kind of cold in the next, but what's perfect?). UGH! I like the new focus of the standards, on research and deeper learning, but "they" try to make everything too bulky. Keep it LIGHT people!
4) BOOT CAMP...yes, me. Nikki convinced me (back in April, when I was feeling exhausted and chubby) to sign up. I will freely admit that for the first 2 weeks, I was mean to Nikki. I said AWFUL things...but she knows that I think she's pretty... (see the next post)
5) Family Time! Megan & Madison have been here since June1, staying with MB. We see them about once a week. Brethours came for a visit Jun 30- Jul 5. We "hung out" as an extended family most of that time. We hiked the Narrows (part of it) together, we had BBQs, a quick trip to Bryce Canyon, and we did fireworks...6 days of fun, over too fast! Now we have 2 camping trips planned: Great Basin with the Whites and Navajo Lake (maybe) with the Maranhaos (grown-up trip).

6) Bullhead City? - While I've been sweating and complaining, Andy's been working at Zion 5 days a week and doing tours for Buddy (Mild2Wild Rhino Tours) on his "days off". He's collected a jar of 'fun money' for us. I'm trying to talk him into taking Jul 30-31 and going to the river.
1) There were 2 GT classes (which are now part of the endorsement) that weren't offered when I went through. So, to spend a little more quality time with a great mentor (Dr. Killeen), I took both. 2 weeks, back to back, 8-5. June 1 through June 15. It was an amazing experience! There were incredible teachers in the classes (small group, but we were tight by the end), and I have to admit that I got some inspiration as well as some validation.
boys...what can you do? |
4) BOOT CAMP...yes, me. Nikki convinced me (back in April, when I was feeling exhausted and chubby) to sign up. I will freely admit that for the first 2 weeks, I was mean to Nikki. I said AWFUL things...but she knows that I think she's pretty... (see the next post)
6) Bullhead City? - While I've been sweating and complaining, Andy's been working at Zion 5 days a week and doing tours for Buddy (Mild2Wild Rhino Tours) on his "days off". He's collected a jar of 'fun money' for us. I'm trying to talk him into taking Jul 30-31 and going to the river.
Boot-y Camp
Why boot camp? I'm not into self-torture, or even self-sacrifice
(except for work - thanks, Parental Units)...I HATE pain! But a line had
been crossed. After losing 38 pounds since July 2010, I had put back 11
pounds - Fall 2011, not pretty. I needed a jump start. So I did it...I
paid my money (okay, we had a coupon and I only had to pay $50) and told
Nikki I would meet her in the park at 5:30 am on Monday, June 18. WHAT
It HURT!!! Everywhere, a lot, all the time...but I forced myself to never puke. I know "real" athletes do it all the time, but I just couldn't. That would have been the breaking point. Our workout was different (and tough) every morning for 4 weeks. I have NEVER been this tired. But there are results people...check this out:
(May 24) June 18 - July 13
Run 1 Mile 12:24 10:24
Push Ups 12 23 (this was timed)
Bicep 13.25 12.0 (these are inches)
Waist 32.75 32.0
Belly 37.75 35.75
Hips 43.25 42.00
Thigh 22.5 21.25 (Total inches lost = 7)
Weight 174 166
Believe it or not, the thing I am most proud of is the mile run. The first day, I could only run about 1/2 of it. After 4 weeks of running (most mornings the mile was part of our "warm-up"), I took 2 WHOLE MINUTES off my time and could all but about 15 steps (in the middle) of it. We did take before and after pictures, but I don't have them, so the head shots are as close as it gets. If you take into account the lighting differences, and turn your head a little to the side, I think you can see the difference in my face....
A few of the inspirational ladies that I have sweated with over the past 4 weeks, are going to do another round! However, I have 2 camping trips and school will be starting before it is over. One of the other great ladies in my life left me a message in my daily food journal...thanks Kate!
I have committed to: 3 weeks of circuit training through Phazes (same gym) and taking yoga and Zumba classes. Once school starts, I will do circuit training in the evenings (no way to do it before school when I have to be 40 miles away by 7:15 am) with some of these wonderful ladies, occasionally taking a yoga or Zumba class.
Andy says it's back to the bikes time - I went out last weekend and wore the dogs out! - and we will finally hit some of those big hikes this fall. On the list? Observation Point, East and West Rim trails, building up to a rim-to-rim of the Grand Canyon (no permit required if you do it in under 24 hours).
Here's the deal: I feel great, and I still do want to lost another 16-18 pounds. I think that it will be a good place for me.
It HURT!!! Everywhere, a lot, all the time...but I forced myself to never puke. I know "real" athletes do it all the time, but I just couldn't. That would have been the breaking point. Our workout was different (and tough) every morning for 4 weeks. I have NEVER been this tired. But there are results people...check this out:
(May 24) June 18 - July 13
Run 1 Mile 12:24 10:24
Push Ups 12 23 (this was timed)
Bicep 13.25 12.0 (these are inches)
Waist 32.75 32.0
Belly 37.75 35.75
Hips 43.25 42.00
Thigh 22.5 21.25 (Total inches lost = 7)
Weight 174 166
Believe it or not, the thing I am most proud of is the mile run. The first day, I could only run about 1/2 of it. After 4 weeks of running (most mornings the mile was part of our "warm-up"), I took 2 WHOLE MINUTES off my time and could all but about 15 steps (in the middle) of it. We did take before and after pictures, but I don't have them, so the head shots are as close as it gets. If you take into account the lighting differences, and turn your head a little to the side, I think you can see the difference in my face....
A few of the inspirational ladies that I have sweated with over the past 4 weeks, are going to do another round! However, I have 2 camping trips and school will be starting before it is over. One of the other great ladies in my life left me a message in my daily food journal...thanks Kate!
I have committed to: 3 weeks of circuit training through Phazes (same gym) and taking yoga and Zumba classes. Once school starts, I will do circuit training in the evenings (no way to do it before school when I have to be 40 miles away by 7:15 am) with some of these wonderful ladies, occasionally taking a yoga or Zumba class.
Andy says it's back to the bikes time - I went out last weekend and wore the dogs out! - and we will finally hit some of those big hikes this fall. On the list? Observation Point, East and West Rim trails, building up to a rim-to-rim of the Grand Canyon (no permit required if you do it in under 24 hours).
Here's the deal: I feel great, and I still do want to lost another 16-18 pounds. I think that it will be a good place for me.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
2011-Blue, 2012...
Purple! Yep, & I love it...Katie is a genius! Still need to sign up for bootcamp - went today with Nikki and the place was closed - because I am determined to lose this last 20 (I know, it was 12 last summer - it's been a stressful year)! I am resolved - to exercise, to read, to sleep! AFTER we get MB moved here...
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Middle of April checklist...
Before we start with the catch-up news...the girls came to visit for a week! MB (super-committed gramma) drove out to get them and bring them back here to Hurricane for the week. It was lots of fun to see them...there were tea-parties, wrestling, bike-and-scooter riding, dog walking, cat-cuddling... Love those girls!
Hoping to see Logan and Ivy this summer...will they be back in the country? West coast or East coast? The mysteries abound...
Now down to business:
1) Taxes? Done...had to have those in a month ago.
2) FAFSA? Done...the IRS and the Dept of Ed now acknowledge each other. All we really had to do was check that the data was correct.
3) Andy's Fall registration? Tomorrow morning...
4) End of year CRT testing? Over the next 3 weeks...but mine is 2 weeks away. I have to be honest, I'm more than a little nervous. I haven't been responsible for state testing for a couple of years. Hope I haven't completely lost my touch!
5) Finalize summer calendar? Well...I'm taking classes 3/4 of June, and Andy starts his Wed-Sun Ranger gig in a month. I will spend some time planning for next year's class, and hopefully we will get in some hikes on a regular basis. We would also like to do some short camping trips, just because it's been a couple of years since we busted out our gear!
6) Keep up on tech stuff? Why has the computer taken over my life? Why do people have smartphones? Do you have no lives????? I can't get books read fast enough because I have to check emails, blogs, grading systems, FAFSA applications, online banking....
Hoping to see Logan and Ivy this summer...will they be back in the country? West coast or East coast? The mysteries abound...
Now down to business:
1) Taxes? Done...had to have those in a month ago.
2) FAFSA? Done...the IRS and the Dept of Ed now acknowledge each other. All we really had to do was check that the data was correct.
3) Andy's Fall registration? Tomorrow morning...
4) End of year CRT testing? Over the next 3 weeks...but mine is 2 weeks away. I have to be honest, I'm more than a little nervous. I haven't been responsible for state testing for a couple of years. Hope I haven't completely lost my touch!
5) Finalize summer calendar? Well...I'm taking classes 3/4 of June, and Andy starts his Wed-Sun Ranger gig in a month. I will spend some time planning for next year's class, and hopefully we will get in some hikes on a regular basis. We would also like to do some short camping trips, just because it's been a couple of years since we busted out our gear!
6) Keep up on tech stuff? Why has the computer taken over my life? Why do people have smartphones? Do you have no lives????? I can't get books read fast enough because I have to check emails, blogs, grading systems, FAFSA applications, online banking....
Sunday, March 11, 2012
A lot has happened...
We waited a while to have winter...but we've had about 3 storms. Here's what the girls did when they "had" to be inside...
Sarah is positively depressed since MB came back and took Holly home.
I got beautiful flowers from Andy for my birthday...that boy ALWAYS comes through!
I also got this cool new car stereo (below) and it's been waiting for Spring Break to be installed. I finally killed Dad's stock 2004 Toyota stereo. Like the display color? I love the purple!
Finally, my Spring Break! I brought home 14 books. I've read 2 1/2 so far. Had a good walk for the girls this morning, then cleaned up the yard...Andy got the stereo in, did a tour for Buddy yesterday, and he and Justin are out cruisin' on Little Creek.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
It's been clear and warm for the past measurable precipitation for about 2 months. Andy's philosophy? "It's a desert." Mine? BORING...and wrong. We had some clouds today, but no actual "weather". It's been a weird winter.
I've been busy singing...there were 5 concerts before Christmas, and we just did 2 performances of Gilbert and Sullivan for the St. George sesquicentennial (it's just fun to say) celebration. This was my first time singing any Gilbert and!
Also going along with the We are rooting for the 49er's over the Giants next week. But how did the 49ers beat the Saints? And what happened in Green Bay?
Well, I thought I should check in and let you know we're still here... We're both back in school, the dogs are doing well, and things keep clickin' right along. Thanks for stoppin' by!
I've been busy singing...there were 5 concerts before Christmas, and we just did 2 performances of Gilbert and Sullivan for the St. George sesquicentennial (it's just fun to say) celebration. This was my first time singing any Gilbert and!
Also going along with the We are rooting for the 49er's over the Giants next week. But how did the 49ers beat the Saints? And what happened in Green Bay?
Well, I thought I should check in and let you know we're still here... We're both back in school, the dogs are doing well, and things keep clickin' right along. Thanks for stoppin' by!
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