We were so busy having fun that I completely forgot to update the blog.... Now I'm going to have to edit pretty stringently! I'll never get the pictures all added on. It was raining for 6 days...

We made cookies and gingerbread houses...
We went to see Santa once the rain stopped. Megan got to make it snow in the mall...

We had a great Christmas morning! For dinner we had pork, spaetzle, and sauerkraut...yum!

Then we watched the weather and decided to get the girls back a day early... good decision since we got 6-7 inches of snow the day they had been planning to go. The puppies

LOVED the snow.
We forgot to dig out Henrietta before the storm, so we had to do some maintenance...

MB got on the road home on the 31st - and we actually made midnight!
Remember what I said about the pictures? Well, I've been trying to upload for 2 hours now... no pictures. I'll post and keep trying.