Why does the urge to do nothing strike in the busiest time of year? I just want to curl up in front of the fire with a good book and listen to my new iPod music, but there's cleaning up after the holidays, Superbowl Parties, Daytona 500, visits from more wonderful family and friends, history fair, and REPORT CARDS - yuck. Then there's the taxes, FAFSA, and clearing out the yearly files. Every time I think I have a moment to update the blog, oops! something else needs my attention. Plus, weirdly, whenever I had a break, the snow would fall and the satellite wouldn't work... But I did finally clean out the emails that were filing the inbox...you know that feeling when things are stacking up around you everywhere??? Yep, starting the knockdown process.

Andy's been busy getting the garage in order...now we have 2 cars in the garage, and room to move around! Look at those shelves! He also started his workbench area on the opposite side. It's so nice to save the cars from exposure, and, I must admit, to get into a warm car in the morning...

He's also taken the dogs out for runs at Coral Pink (yes) Sand Dunes... There is sand somewhere under all that snow. This was from the big storm a couple of weeks ago - when Flagstaff got like 53 inches of snow! We were sad we missed the snow, but not the wind....

We've had wet El Nino weather... been pretty muddy around here, so the house looks dirty less than 24 hours after it's been cleaned. I know that the fireplace and 4 dogs don't help, but really... But, on the positive side, it is starting to get lighter longer, so as soon as I can walk up on the hill(mud, dontcha know), hiking and biking will come back into my life! I probably would have been a total wreck without the yoga afternoon at school... I love Sharleen!

Had a great visit with Grandpa Don, Katie, Logan, and Ivy over my birthday... too bad I came down with a stomach bug that kept me in bed for 30 hours. When I got up Sunday, we had a great Valentine's breakfast - yummy french toast and sausage. Then we went to Pioneer Park up on the Red Cliffs and "bouldered" a bit, then off to Firehouse park for some "baseball". Logan and Ivy are both pretty good at hitting those balls!
We have been enjoying the Olympics - every so often we see a shot of where we got engaged 12 years ago... we really loved Vancouver. And cheering on Bodie with the enthusiastic coach in the starthouse, and Lindsay Vonn - she's nuts on skis! I don't know if many people know this, but part of my soundtrack obsession has been trying to track down Olympic songs... iTunes has a great Olympics section! Very cool...
SO, haven't really had time to do any random things, but I want to see The Lightning Thief, and I can't wait til New Moon comes out on DVD... I do DVR things like White Collar (love USA channel, good series there), Project Runway, Bones, Fringe, and my guilty trash, Vampire Diaries. If you've read the books, then the story really veers away...I've said too much, haven't I? Oh, and American Idol - already picking this year's favorites.
Well, I'm off to grade some more, and hopefully get more than 5 hours of sleep tonight... Miss everyone!