Check out those, anyone who's known me for longer than 6 minutes, knows I can't seem to grow a fingernail to save my life. And yet, look! They are all about the same length, no major defects, and it's been like 1 1/2 weeks! I did paint them, then of course, the paint wore down, so I took it off and am repainting tonight. I'm not holding my breath tho' - they'll disappear as soon as I'm not careful.
Speaking of beautiful, how 'bout them bikes? Andy's is the one with the red wheels and pedals, it's called a Pivot. Mine is an Ibis. Whatever, I like it. My butt's adjusted (I did break down and buy some padded shorts - ugh!). Now as soon as my thighs adjust to going uphill.... The dogs love the exercise.
Everything else is good here! We're having chicken enchiladas (Andy slowcooked the chicken all day...mmmmm). Take care!